[Interview] Robyn Fleming And Me

You know, I don’t really have an excuse for my recent absence. I’m not sick, lacking for material, or busily engaged in the things I should be doing. I’m just undergoing my biannual change of seasons malaise, with the added bonus of a heatwave. It’s left me disinclined to spend my free time doing anything but lounge on my bed and read, occasionally rousing sufficient energy to pop open another can of Diet Coke.
To make up for my negligence while I was fully occupied mainlining the works of Jenny Crusie and Octavia Butler, I have prepared a special treat. I give unto you two recently conducted audio interviews with Robyn Fleming, the editor of Cerise, the gaming magazine for women. We discuss whither GRC and whence Cerise, before descending to the really important questions, like the subclauses applicable to the Three Second Rule and the importance of imaginary boyfriends.
You should be aware; we’re total dorks.
They’re both about 13 minutes long, and in mp3 format – listen here or download.
Robyn Interviews Karen.
Karen Interviews Robyn.