Apologies for the Mess!

Dear Girl-Wonder.org Members.

As people have noticed, the site was recently infested by an endemic malware problem. After trying a bug-swatting based approach for a while, it became apparent that this approach was too reactive, and allowed for malware to persist until discovered, which is basically bad.

Because our site is very large, rooting it out instance-by-instance was becoming prohibitive, so what Betty has done is create a local (to her machine) mirror of the site which can be checked against the production (live, on the internets) version, and discrepancies may be assumed to be malware.

Unfortunately, Dreamhost’s backups left something to be desired, so some of the extensively modified php files which were responsible for look-and-feel have gone missing and need to be recreated. The good news is that this shouldn’t be too hard; bad news is that we’re going to be discovering missing php files for a while.

We apologise whole-heartedly for the mess, and would appreciate your assistance in getting the site back on its feet. In particular, if you have civicrm experience and would like to help, please contact Betty at [email protected] .

If you notice any issues not listed below, please let us know.

Known Problems:

– Forums users’ icons have been deleted, and will need to be re-uploaded by the users

– Blogs have had their themes deleted – all the content is there, but possibly inaccessible. Blog owners can fix this by logging in and installing a new theme. Some links/categories may be messed up in the process.

– Several links on the front page are broken.

– Sub-domains (xxxx.girl-wonder.org) should be unaffected.

Once again, we apologize for the problems, and thank you for your patience.