In this episode we discuss crossovers, guest star syndrome, the stupidity of Gene Simmons, representation of religion in comics books, our favorite holiday specials (link to scans from the Warrior Christmas Special [NOTE: None of those on this podcast endorse the language used in this article; this is unfortunately the only source of scans currently available. Trigger warning for those sensitive to suggestions of rape.]) and answer CEOIII’s stupid question: “In a bar (not Warriors) are the following: Lobo, Wolverine, Guy Gardner.
The Punisher walks in, goes to the bar, starts pounding them back. (Say the aforementioned trio are at a table.)
After 30 minutes, they start looking at each other. Not saying anything, just some very dirty looks.
10 minutes after the looks start, the Wrecking Crew walks it.
The question: At what point do you call the cops? When the first 3 walk in, when Pun walks in, when the looks start, when the Crew walks in, or do you just check your insurance, then set up a video camera and hope for the best?”
This episode’s guest is Lisa Fortuner, also known as Ragnell of the Written World, and When Fangirls Attack!
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